Registration CYC 2025 Enkele gegevens ontbreken of zijn onjuist Het formulier kan nog niet worden verzonden omdat het nog niet helemaal (correct) is ingevuld. Event (choose one): CYC and Clinic Clinic Only Clinic only CYC Only Class Selecteer een optie Laser Radial Laser 4.7 Sunfish Optimist A (Opti Race) Optimist B (Opti Race) Optimist C(Opti school First name Fill in first name Last name Fill in last name Date of birth Fill in date of birth Sail no. Fill in sail no. Sailing Club Fill in Sailing Club E-mail Fill in e-mail Phone Fill in phone Address Fill in address Postal code Fill in postal code City Fill in city Country Fill in country Nationality Fill in nationality Participant will adhere to the Racing Rules of Sailing, the Notice of Race and all other Rules of the CYC 2023. The responsibility for a participant’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is his/hers alone. As a condition of entry into CYC 2023, the entrant accepts that he/she has the sole and inescapable responsibility for the management and safety of his/her boat and person and that neither YSCO, the organizing authority, race committee, jury nor any of its members, bear any responsibility for any loss, damage, death or personal injury which may occur, either caused before, during or after the race. The entrant accepts full responsibility for assigned equipment and shall be liable for any damage and agrees to pay for damages caused to a boat due to negligence of the entrant. I read and agree to the disclaimer above. Yes As parent, I allow and consent to my child participating in the CYC and/or Clinic 2023 and will indemnify the organizing committee and YSCO from any responsibility concerning all risks consequent in his/her participation. Name parent Fill in name parent I allow and consent Yes Send Er is iets mis gegaan tijdens het versturen, probeer het nogmaals. Er is iets mis gegaan tijdens het versturen, probeer het nogmaals.